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In the clinic

‘WIRE’ stands for WIndow-of-opportunity clinical trial platform for evaluation of novel treatment strategies in REnal cell cancer, a clinical trial that makes opportunistic investigational use of the existing 4-week surgical window-of-opportunity between the decision to operate on surgically resectable renal cell cancer (RCC) and surgery itself.  Read more...

‘ARTIST’ stands for a translational research Approach to development of optimal Renal cancer Treatments ISurgical and systemic Therapy patients, a single-centre translational research study designed to identify and characterize novel  biomarkers for the optimal detection, monitoring and treatment of renal cell cancer (RCC). Read more...

‘NAXIVA’ stands for Neoadjuvant study of AXItinib for reducing extent of venous tumour thrombus in clear cell renal cell cancer with Venous invAsion, a phase II feasibility study investigating the effectiveness of the drug axitinib at reducing the extent of cancer invasion into the large blood vessels draining the kidney. Read more...

‘TransRAMPART’ stands for Translational sub-study of the Renal Adjuvant MultPle Arm Randomised Trial. The main RAMPART trial is a phase III controlled clinical platform trial of adjuvant therapy in patients with resected primary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) with high or intermediate risk of relapse. TransRAMPART itself is a translational sub-study within RAMPART, designed to develop a bio-repository of baseline and longitudinal samples that will enable researchers to undertake novel molecular analyses to address key clinically relevant questions around optimal management of patients with initially localised renal cancer. Read more...


The Cambridge Urological Malignancies Programme is part of the CRUK Cambridge Centre, funded by Cancer Research UK Major Centre Award C9685/A25117, and supported by the NIHR Cambridge BRC.

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